Michael Wright stated in evidence that young 'A' had searched for her name in Google. I thought I'd give it a try...
Obviously, if her parents hadn't put her in the position she is in - she would have found nothing. However, here's what she would have found before the trial... nothing too extreme, some nice Youtube videos - certainly nothing relating to Goncalo Amaral's book and dvd.
And after her parents objection to Amaral's request for media silence - here's what she would find today...
Scary stuff and the really diabolical thing is that all these articles and reports are online because the McCanns wanted it reported. It's absolutely crazy that they would do this to their own children.
For their sake (and while they can), the time has come for the McCanns to simply take a back seat, shut up and get on with their lives. Instead of persistently whining and stirring up their own hornet's nest, they should sit their children down and explain the full circumstances of Madeleine's disappearance (yes, their version of the truth). It surely can't be scarier or more horrific than anything they'd see in the local newsagents or hear on the playground.
It would also be helpful to explain that because Madeleine's disappearance is so strange and unexplained, many people have doubts and their own dark thoughts about what actually happened. There are full translations of the PJ Files online and many, many things worse than Goncalo Amaral's book. Eight year olds are a lot smarter than we think and it would actually be better for the twins in the long run. The inevitable is going to happen and the danger is everywhere - not just online. And certainly not in the guise of the man who tried to discover what happened to their sister.
Don't you just know it though - it ain't gonna happen. Not in narcissistic McCann Land.
And whatever next? So far, their witnesses are hardly credible - consisting either family, friends or paid lackeys. Where are all the independent health professionals and assessment reports relating to this sad state of affairs? Hardly inspiring, eh?